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Engineering Meets Nature

Benefits at a Glance

  • Low-noise rail embedding in grass verges
  • Turf level with rail head top
  • Drivability for emergency and utility vehicles
  • Parasitic current insulation delays corrosion
  • Removable for track maintenance


The Green Track Filler

STRAILastic_R green track filler elements allow low-noise and low-maintenance embedding of tram or railway tracks.

Main advantages of STRAILastic_R over other methods of laying green tracks are the reduction of noise emissions, improved accessibility of rails and mounting points for maintenance and corrosion resistance due to parasitic current insulation. A favourable side-effect is the possibility to drive on the track with maintenance and emergency vehicles.


Furthermore, STRAILasitc_R allows to fill the track with turf all the way to the rail head tops. It also fulfills EBA requirements for a stable technical means of ensuring a free rail groove (DS 815). STRAILastic_R can be customised with individual design to match variable customer requirements.

Due to high durability and permanent structural integrity, STRAILastic_R Green Track fillers reduce mainrtenance requirements. Using recycleable materials, they are also environment-friendly.

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As a matter of course, STRAILastic_R is available for different gauges and track geometries, for curves and sidings, for flange rails as well as grooved tramway rails.

Our German Partner